Joel Richardson

The Underground Episode 1: “The Return of Jesus”


Introducing the first episode of The Underground with Joel Richardson. Bear with us, as we work out the various kinks, and seek to improve each show as we go. We plan on branching out into a wide variety of programming beyond just mere teaching. Coming up, in month two, I’ve conducted a couple interviews with a missionary to the Middle East. In time, we will ease into news updates, answer viewer questions, and have a wide range of guests, interviews, and topics. To watch the show via streaming or on demand a week ahead of its release here, be sure to get the Roku player for your TV and add the PTL Television Network to your feed.

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24 Responses

  1. I am very excited about your show. Thank you Joel for your ministry. You are a blessing!

  2. Great show! Read “The most likely scenario for the second coming of Jesus Christ.” on Amazon!

  3. Well done! I look forward to the future videos. Perhaps I can use them to rouse my brothers and sisters. 🙂

  4. Well done to you Joel.

    Indeed a very balanced approach. Thanks for the encouragement, makes me feel even better about not understanding some things as yet. I gave your video to a Pastor i admire, who hosts some ministers from mike Bickle’s church (featured) so if you get an invite i will bring some Brummies to say high!

    I’m enjoying your book, its very well laid out and informative. The last book i purchased (a good while ago) was by John Lake, an excellent combination i think, Smiley face.

  5. Joel, you had me saying amen right up and until the last minute when you spoke from the understanding of man concerning the reward for the “good servants” of ten and five cities found in Luke 19. As you had previously stated, we all get it wrong somewhere when our blinkers do not allow us to see things as God would want us to see them.

    There is another parable about the workers in God’s harvest field where all of the workers receive the same reward independent of the commitment, length of time or hard work that they undertook in the harvest field during that day for the owner of the harvest field. This parable flies in opposition to the parable you referenced at the end of the Underground Show 1.

    Yes, I agree, we should not focus on the signs that herald Jesus’ comings or the signs of the ends of the ages but rather we should be focusing on doing the things that are from the heart of the Father so that His Glory is present for them to see and receive. That is the “work” that he has called us all to so that not one he would draw to Himself is lost.


    Jay Ross

    PS: – I too recognize that my understanding of scripture may be just as flawed. However I favor His Call to love and bless others as one of His humble servants by taking up my own cross to follow Him.

  6. Jay,

    Both parables communicate the same message. Out faithfulness (or lack thereof) to what God has given us to do, will determine our reward (or lack thereof) in the age to come. One does not cancel out the other. 🙂


  7. @Jay Ross,

    I understand the parable of the worker who started working at the last moment and got the same reward as those who worked all day as speaking about the resurrection body and entering the kingdom. If you turn away from the world, and totally give your life over to Christ, even if you do it late, you won’t be cast away from the present of the Lord, but receive the same reward, the resurrection body and immortality as believers who have served the lord their entire lives.

    But the parable about the talents and the cities is about how diligently we serve the Lord and what sacrifices we’re willing to make for him in this age right now. If we don’t sin, but we don’t really do much for the Lord, the Lord isn’t going to give us high rank/role in the kingdom, but if we really put ourselves out there for him, with our time, our money, our safety, our everything and go all out for God and stop for nothing less than His business, then great will be our reward.

    I would also add that Matthew 5:19-20 and Matthew 28:18-20 has something very important to say about which believers will be great in the kingdom of Yeshua.

  8. Joel,

    So be it, we will have to agree to disagree for the time being, until such time that we can talk face to face, if that should ever become the case when you or I visit the land of our respective heritage were we reside.

  9. Well done to you Joel. A well balanced approach as others have said. One that is truly needed. Thanks for the encouragement.

    Have been Enjoying your book, its very well presented and very informative.
    I gave your Video to a pastor i admire, who has connections to one of the featured speakers, it would be good if you get an invitation to Brummie land, or even the ‘Black country,.

    Keep up the good Joel.

  10. Hey Joel!

    I’m terribly sorry to make this question off-topic, but I need your Temple Mount experience here.

    Have you ever been on the Temple Mount proper? Are tour groups, particularly our group, allowed to be on the Temple Mount site for touring purposes? This would be a great disappointment to me if we were not allowed to have access to the Temple Mount plaza.

    I have no real interest in the Dome of the Rock and was already aware the Muslim authorities no longer allow non-Muslims access. I already know that is the site where Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac before God.

    Any information you can give on these questions to the best of your knowledge will be helpful to me.
    Thank you.

    See you in the fall!


  11. Hey Jay, I’m just another beggar here, telling another where you might find bread. My view of the two parables you mention is of two rewards: one is salvation, one of ruling and reigning in the Kingdom to come.

    My Dad came to faith at 84 years young. I know I will see him again in the Kingdom. His eternal life will be as vibrant as I hope mine will be. To each a day’s wages whether 1st hour or 11th hour.

    When Jesus says one will rule over ten cities, however, I think he means just that. In the Kingdom to come, Jesus will reward those who exemplify the “mind and heart of Christ” best while here on earth with more authority in the Kingdom. Jesus’s most loyal slaves will make the best leaders in the Kingdom.

    That is just my interpretation.


    This is a wonderful first episode. Praying for continued infilling of the Holy Spirit as you work to awaken the Church.


  12. Hi g4u,

    Barring some unforeseen event such as a problem that day, (which can happen), I believe we will be going up on the Temple Mount.

  13. Great new show, Joel. Thank you. I do believe that you’re doing a great job in partnering our Lord in the restoration of all things, Praise God in Yeshua’s name and may your ministry keep growing. Praying for the Kurds and the other Muslim refugees. For me also, I believe in saying no to worldly desires and living self-controlled, upright and godly lives in order to show my love for Father Yahweh in Yeshua the Messiah. The fruits of the Spirit as it were. As this is what pleases the Lord, and shows that our faith is coming into fullness, that we’re mature believers in Him. God bless.

  14. Thank you my dear brother for that reminder we all need to hear; that which is too little preached and less often lived out. In light of the rapid succession of disturbing events taking place in our country and around the world it is easy to lose sight of what He has called us to be and do in the world.

    Hope you can make it to South Carolina sometime. Would love to talk with you about hosting a conference here when you have time.


  15. Fantastic teaching Joel. You always open my eyes to a new road to take in my walk with Jesus. The message that we should not consider his coming as the end, but the middle, puts a totally different perspective on how I read the scriptures and live my life. Thanks for your dedication, and thank your wife and children for their sacrifices as well!

  16. Joel: As you recall majority of the Jews did not get Jesus’s 1st coming right, due to a lot of teachings of false doctrines from the 1st century religious teachers.

    Can You see the current Church leaders of our days making as big of a mistake in their false prophetical doctrines, so that Christ’s second coming/lord’s Day/Millenium Kingdom can really occur in a totally different way than we are imagining it now to occur? Hal Lindsey’s fictional end times doctrines has already created a lot of misconceptions in our heads and it’s very hard to read the Bible without these fictional theories directing our thought processes.

    I always wonder about that! Do you have any other thoughts, besides what you have already mentioned, especially that Christ warns us not to be deceived.

  17. Great work mate. really appreciated the encouragement to focus on the light of Jesus, his coming, his mission and not to get so caught up in the darkness and fear of the enemy stuff that’s going on.

  18. Excellent!!! Thank you! Can’t wait to watch the rest! Love the balance of your message.

  19. Thank you for sharing this knowledge with us. The vide is very powerful too.
    Personally, the subject of Jesus’ second coming is very confusing to me but I so strongly desire to understand it because from my very first days with the Lord until today that has been my great joy and hope – the thought that He is coming back most probably in my life time.
    At the beginning of this year I felt this strong urge to dig in the word and see what God has told us about the last times. And the more I read and learn the more I feel my passion for God growing, and also the urgency to share the good news with those who don’t know Jesus as their Saviour.
    But I’m still so confused about how and when Jesus will come back – the rapture no rapture debate and if there is rapture when will it take place – that subject throws me in total confusion. I sometimes want to shout it out – does anybody has the true answer to that question? You said that we all get it wrong sometimes because we know partially and understand partially. But it looks like way too many people are getting it wrong because there are so many different understandings on this subject.

  20. Thanks for being open minded !
    What a great introduction to a prophecy show.
    I like how you say that we will all be wrong. Leaves a lot of room to eventually discover the truth. We all are works in progress. As is our understanding of the end tmes also.
    I wish more teachers were like you.

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